Denotation and Connotations: a denotation is a translation of a sign to its meaning, precisely to its literal meaning. Moreover, a denotation is contrasted to a connotation, which translates a sign to meanings associated with it.
L - language
I - institution
I - ideology
A - audience
R - representation
Codes and conventions to convey messages from text to imagery. Language helps audience understand: layout, design and the use of written language of photography and illustration. Language also includes content, theme and purpose of the magazine.
Institution includes any of the organisations responsible for the production, marketing, distrubution or regulation of media texts. Additionally, it portrays certain messages to their audience.
Ideology is a set of attitudes, beliefs and values held in common by a group of people. Ideology allows society to understand messages and meanings of messages. The ideology portrays predominant messages.
Audience is groups or individuals targeted by producers for the intended audience that will consume the text. Making certain choices to satisfy and please the typical target audience of the magazine.
Representation the process whereby the media construct versions of people, places and events in images, words or sound for transmission through media texts to an audience.
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