Thursday, 1 October 2015

Main Brief

The main brief is to design a front cover, contents and double page spread of a new magazine. All images and texts must be original, a minimum of four images must be used.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Magazine Front Cover


What have I learnt from completing the task?


This task has helped me learn a lot about different types of magazines - things I didn’t know beforehand. I’ve learnt various conventions of magazines such as Mastheads, main image, skyline and sell lines etc. In addition, I’ve learnt how each key convention helps towards making a successful magazine. Additionally, I’ve learnt how just one image can hold numerous different meanings which help towards the success of the magazine as it’s allowing the target audience to engage with the magazine without them having to read lots of writing.


Moreover, I’ve learnt that planning a magazine is vital for going on to make the final product as it helps you come up with unique and individual ideas – ones that grab the target audience’s attention. In addition, I’ve began to understand my weaknesses through creating a magazine and how next time I could improve the standards of it. Finally, I’ve realized that I didn’t know as much as I thought I did about magazines and both connotation and denotations behind them.


How have you used technology?


I used Mac computers mostly for this particular task as I found that everything I needed in order to complete every part of the task was included in them. Additionally, I found Macs easy to use for programs such as: Microsoft PowerPoint and Word etc. However saving work on a Mac seemed to become quite an issue. Additionally, when you save your work on a Mac it only saves to the computer that you’re working at, so if I were to use a different Mac around the college it wouldn’t have the work I started. Although I had/used my memory stick I found the saving work side of Mac not very ideal. However, Photoshop was included with Macs and that’s what I used for my final product in that task so that seemed a bonus.


I also used Dell computers that college provides. In addition, I used these computers to complete most of my writing tasks as I knew wherever I saved the work it would appear on any different computed I worked out – avoiding losing work. Overall, I used Mac’s and normal computers and my laptop at home to complete my task. I used it for all aspects of the work and I would always use such technology. I would not however use my phone to complete any typing task as I feel I wouldn’t concentrate as much as I need to, additionally I’d find myself very distracted.


What conventions have you used and why?

In my final product I used all the key elements magazines need to be successful. I used conventions such as: a masthead; to allow the readers to identify the content of the magazine just by reading a word or two, a main image; to capture the audience’s attention. Additionally, I purpose made sure my main image stood out e.g the positioning and the facial expression of the person who featured on the image had. A skyline which allowed the audience to recognize the fact it was the first ever issue of the magazine – making them intrigued by the fact it’s brand new and they’ve never seen it before. I also included sell lines; to add persuasion of buying it, a barcode including a price so the audience knew how much it was. A date of the issue which was a particular month so people were aware that it was a monthly magazine and they could keep up to date. I Overall, I just made sure my magazine had a good first impression as that’s vital in the change of success. If the magazine looked dull and boring and it was the first ever issue, no one would have any interest whatsoever in buying it.

What would you change if you were to do this task again?

If I were to do this task again I would give myself a certain amount of time to complete each aspect of the task in and make sure I stuck to it. Additionally, this would help me be successful overall as it would mean I would have put 100% effort into it and got the highest grade I could achieve – I would have pushed myself to the limit.


Moreover, I would have changed my final product as I feel I didn’t have enough time to plan it as thoroughly as I wanted too. Moreover, I would change the whole content of it and base it on something completely different to what I did.  I feel I did well with my final product magazine however with more time to think more about key ideas and developing them with a deeper meaning would make my magazine more successful. Additionally, I’d add more sell lines to my final product magazine as I feel it’d help attract my target audience more into buying it. Additionally, if the sell lines were more catchy and interesting to read – if they related more to my specific target audience it would overall bring more success and would allow me to engage more with the readers.  


Finally, if I were to do this again I would reduce the price and place it large in the top left hand corner. Moreover, so it’d be a onetime special offer with it being a brand new issue. With it being large in the left corner it would be able to be seen any way it was stacked in shops. In addition, if it was fairly cheap people may just buy it purely for that reason if they’re going on a long journey, however enjoy it and recognize the name of it and buy it again.


Thursday, 24 September 2015

Shot Types

Feature story ideas

Feature story ideas
  • Hull Fair 2015
  • South Africa trip 2015
  • Second year tips on how to surive in college 
  • University tours 
  • Dealing with exam stress
  • Freshers 2015
  • UCAS support 

Magazine Colour Schemes and Fonts

Name Ideas

Name Ideas

The main purpose of a Magazine masthead is to engage the readers from first sight. I came up with these names as I feel they're ones in which will represent the content of my magazine. Additionally, these original names will relate well to the target audience of my magazine as they're all based around college itself.
The names I came up with as follow:
Student Voice
Campus Life
Student Life
College Life
Wyke Termly
Wyke Monthly
Wyke Weekly
Wyke News

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Semiotics/ LIIAR analysis


Denotation and Connotations: a denotation is a translation of a sign to its meaning, precisely to its literal meaning. Moreover, a denotation is contrasted to a connotation, which translates a sign to meanings associated with it. 


L - language
I - institution 
I - ideology 
A - audience 
R - representation 

Codes and conventions to convey messages from text to imagery. Language helps audience understand: layout, design and the use of written language of photography and illustration. Language also includes content, theme and purpose of the magazine. 

Institution includes any of the organisations responsible for the production, marketing, distrubution or regulation of media texts. Additionally, it portrays certain messages to their audience.

Ideology is a set of attitudes, beliefs and values held in common by a group of people. Ideology allows society to understand messages and meanings of messages. The ideology portrays predominant messages.  

Audience is groups or individuals targeted by producers for the intended audience that will consume the text. Making certain choices to satisfy and please the typical target audience of the magazine. 

Representation the process whereby the media construct versions of people, places and events in images, words or sound for transmission through media texts to an audience. 

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

My Brief and Initial Ideas

My brief is to design a College magazine that includes original images only and a mock up contents page.

Additionally, my front cover needs to include key elements such as: a main image; to attract my main target audience - teenagers. A masthead; representing my magazine as a whole. Sell lines; advertising eye catching stories inside the magazine itself. A Skyline; placed at the top of  my magazine, informing my target audience the issue number of the magazine. In addition my magazine also needs to include a Barcode, the date of issue, the price of the magazine; in bold, mainly so the audience are straight away attracted to the cheap price of the magazine. The price of the magazine is going to be placed in the top left corner, this is so the target audience will be able to spot the cheap price however the magazine is stacked on the shelfs. Finally, my College magazine is going to have a Strapline; something catchy so my audience will remember it.